Overall strategic objective of the program
Improve the implementation of regional development policies and programs, mainly the programs under the Investment for Growth and Jobs and, where appropriate, the programs under the ETF objective by promoting the exchange of experience and learning new policies among regional actors.
Area of cooperation
- the whole territory of the EU (28 Member States)
- 2 Partner States with special status: Norway and Switzerland;
Total budget 426,309,549.12
Priority Axis 1 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation
- Investment Priority 1 (a) – Improving research and innovation (R & I) infrastructures and capacities to develop excellence in R & D and the promotion of competence centers, especially those of European interest;
- Investment Priority 1 (b) – promoting investment in C & I, developing links and synergies between businesses, research and development centers and higher education, in particular promoting investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, Eco innovation and public service applications, demand stimulation, networking and clustering, and open innovation through smart specialization, as well as support for technological and applied research activities, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced production capacities and first generation, especially in the field of essential generic technologies and the diffusion of general use technologies;
Priority Axis 2 – Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises
- Investment Priority 3 (d) – supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes.
Priority Axis 3 – Supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy in all sectors
- Investment Priority 4 (e) – promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territory, especially for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and adaptation measures relevant to mitigation;
Priority Axis 4 – Environment and efficient use of resources
- Investment Priority 6 (c) – Conservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage
- Investment Priority 6 (g) – supporting industrial transition to a resource-efficient economy, promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors.