Kozloduy Municipality
According to LSGLAA, the municipality decides all matters of local importance in the fields of: municipal property, finance, taxes, fees and administration; planning and development; education; culture; health care; social services; public works and utilities; environmental protection and use of natural resources; development of sport, recreation and tourism. The municipality is responsible for the preservation of cultural heritage and tourism development.
Kozloduy Municipality is the owner of the Hospital for Active Treatment St. Ivan Rilski Ltd., and, therefore, is responsible for the infrastructure of the hospital and its ability to provide adequate medical services to the region’s population. The project improves the quality of life and working environment in the Municipality of Kozloduy by improving medical care and prophylaxis, which essentially improves access to basic services and provides new opportunities to enhance the region’s competitiveness and sustainable development. The Municipality of Kozloduy took part in the Programme INTERREG V-А Romania – Bulgaria with a project proposal and has experience in the management of projects financed by EU.