URBACT III Operational Programme

URBACT facilitates the sharing of knowledge and good practice between cities and other levels of government. The purpose is to promote integrated sustainable development and improve the effectiveness of regional and cohesion policy.

The URBACT III programme area consists of:

  • EU 28 Member States
  • Norway and the Helvetic Confederation. Partners from Norway and from the Helvetic Confederation cannot make use of ERDF allocations, but can participate at their own cost
  • Instrument for Pre Accession (IPA) countries. Partners from IPA countries can participate in operations using IPA funding, without receiving ERDF co-financing
  • Other countries. Partners from other countries, anywhere in the world, can participate with their own funding.

The programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with a budget of 74.302 million EUR for the 2014-2020 period