Interact III Programme 2014-2020

Interact III is a interregional cooperation programme which completes ETC objectives as this programme promotes cooperation whilst also encourages network exchanges between territorial cooperation programmes. Hence, the basis of Interact III is to strengthen cohesion policy efficacy by simply promoting exchange of experience with regards to the identification, transfer and dissemination of good practices. The programme also aims to improve institutional capacity and public administration according to the interventions of the following 3 specific objectives:

  •  To improve management and control capacity of ETC programmes
  • To improve ETC capacity in capturing and communicating the programme results
  • To improve the cooperation management capacity to implement innovative approaches

Interact 2014 – 2020 has a planned ERDF financial allocation of:

  • 93% for a financial support of €36,635,113 on Priority Axis I – Service Delivery
  • 7% for a financial support of €2,757,481 on Priority Axis II – Technical Assistance

Interact supports cooperation in the whole territory of the European Union, including also Norway and Switzerland.

The main target groups for Interact III are:

  • Programme managers (ETC, IPA II CBC, ENI CBC, all components)
  • National/Regional cooperation stakeholders (beyond ETC)
  • EU-wide stakeholders who make part of Interact community i.e. programme managers, EU strategic players and decision makers such as the Commission, the Parliament, etc.

The Managing Authority of the Interact Programme is based in Slovak Republic.