Name of Journal: World Journal of Gastroenterology
Manuscript NO: 47278
Manuscript Type: OPINION REVIEW
Issues and controversies in esophageal inlet patch
Ciocalteu A et al. Esophageal inlet patch
Adriana Ciocalteu, Petrica Popa, Mircea Ionescu, Dan Ionut Gheonea
Telephone: +40-74-8374019
Fax: +40-251-310287
Peer-review started: March 12, 2019
First decision: June 10, 2019
Revised: June 24, 2019
Accepted: July 5, 2019
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The proximal esophagus is rarely examined, and its inspection is often inadequate. Optical chromoendoscopy techniques such as narrow band imaging improve the detection rate of inlet patches in the proximal esophagus, a region in which their prevalence is likely underestimated. Various studies have reported correlations between these esophageal marks with different issues such as Barrett’s esophagus, but these findings remain controversial. Conflicting reports complicate the process of interpreting the clinical features of esophageal inlet patches and underestimate their importance. Unfortunately, the limited clinical data and statistical analyses make reaching any conclusions difficult. It is hypothesized that inlet patches are correlated with various esophageal and extraesophageal symptoms, diagnoses and the personalized therapeutic management of patients with inlet patches as well as the differential diagnosis for premalignant lesions or early cancers. Due to its potential underdiagnosis, there are no consensus guidelines for the management and follow up of inlet patches. This review focuses on questions that were raised from published literature on esophageal inlet patches in adults.
Another study speculated that mucus secretion rather than acid production could be the cause of symptoms in patients with globus sensations that were unresponsive to PPI therapy[20]. In this small population of patients, histopathologic examinations revealed only the presence of cardiac mucosa.
In 2013, Chong et al[9] could only find 43 cases of esophageal cancers in the literature that presented concomitantly with heterotopic gastric mucosa since 1950 when Carrie et al[53] reported the first case.
Furthermore, Sahin et al found no cases of adenocarcinoma or dysplasia and detected additional intestinal metaplasia in only five of 123 IP cases[30].
The lack of studies with long-term follow-ups for IP might be a source of this bias. Other authors such as Peitz et al[11] have also considered that the prevalence of IPs is underestimated, making a correlation with advanced cervical esophageal cancer difficult. Due to the rare incidence of preneoplasia reported for IP, the authors do not support the routine biopsy to determine its histopathology, but rather targeted biopsies should be considered whenever any irregularities within the area are observed. In addition to this opinion, there are technical difficulties in typically occurring region located in upper esophagus (contractions of the upper esophageal sphincter or low tolerance of unsedated patients), so the routine biopsy should be limited to atypical locations of the IPs (e.g., distal or middle part of the esophagus) or for atypical appearances (e.g., polypoid types). For symptomatic patients with usually located IPs, and when confirmation is not possible by biopsy, a virtual chromoendoscopy with selected follow up cases could be helpful.
Confocal laser endomicroscopy could avoid both doctor and patient anticipatory anxiety related to a proper diagnosis. Unfortunately, this technique’s feasibility for routine use is impaired by increased costs and limited access.
Detection of IP-like lesions and subsequent confirmation by histology would help to avoid confusing incipient cancers with heterotopic mucosa. IPs present with a reddish or salmon-rose colored focal area on standard endoscopy and as a homogeneous dark brown lesion that is distinctly separated from the light green squamous epithelium in the NBI mode[54]. NBI systems can be very helpful to identify brownish areas with brown dots and branching vessels in the cervical esophagus as potential superficial esophageal cancers. Therefore, the combined application of magnification and NBI can help to inform and direct the diagnostic management and early detection of esophageal neoplasia[55]. Magnifying endoscopy with the NBI system is superior to conventional white-light endoscopy for the detection of early cancers and helps to resolve the microvascular patterns of the superficial esophageal mucosa[56,57]. Ideally, a future implementation of an automatic detection system for early neoplasia similar to the automated computer algorithm developed for incipient neoplasia in BE that proposed by Fons van der Sommen et al[58] could be implemented (Figure 4).
Whether the IP increases the risk of esophageal carcinoma remains controversial. Acid secretion was also a suspected cause of malignant transformation[59], but there is a discrepancy between the symptomatic acid-related IP prevalence and the rarely reported cases of malignization. There are likely other simultaneous risk factors that are involved. However, considering that cancers in IPs are typically reported as isolated cases[60–62], the focus should remain on being able to accurately differentiate between harmless IPs and superficial malignancies. As white-light endoscopies may not reveal the abnormal features of early neoplasias, the routine use of virtual chromoendoscopy in the esophagus is justifiable. Underreporting the incidence of IPs by endoscopy must be avoided and future studies should be performed to reach more pertinent conclusions.
Symptoms and their response to treatment may depend on a range of factors such as the type of heterotopic mucosa, H. pylori colonization and extraesophageal IP factors, but further studies are necessary to reach firm conclusions.
Going forward, the focus should remain on reassuring the patient and the routine use of virtual chromoendoscopy in the proximal region of the esophagus to direct the appropriate collection of biopsies from the IP-like mucosa. Another concern is whether surveillance is necessary after identifying an IP. Currently, and potentially due to its place as an underdiagnosed entity, there are no consensus guidelines for the management and follow up of IPs.
As there was no demonstrated association between the histopathology and clinical symptoms of the IP[59], symptomatic patients should be treated and considered for endoscopic reevaluation when other complications of the heterotopic gastric mucosa are suspected[30]. In selected cases, such as patients who are at a high risk of neoplasia or patients who are symptomatic, elderly, or smokers[64], the IP should be systematically evaluated and meticulously described with an endoscopic diagnosis and the patient should be considered for surveillance. Von Rahnen’s classification used in conjunction with the NBI description could be included in the endoscopic report to improve awareness of any potential evolution of the lesion during the next evaluation.
When a follow up is scheduled, the patient can be offered sedation for the second evaluation to provide a better examination or more accurate biopsy sampling. A minimum of two biopsies should be performed depending of the size of the inlet mucosa. An uncomplicated IP suggests a similar therapeutic attitude to functional dyspepsia or to nonerosive reflux disease. A differential diagnosis is required to determine which patients will benefit from alternative strategies. Since independent acid secretion episodes are a likely symptomatic cause, PPI and/or antacids paired with psychological reassurance should be the initial treatment option for symptomatic patients. If patient anxiety is observed, a low dose anxiolytic can be included. Prokinetic agents may also help any abnormal local motility. Previous studies reported a significant reduction in the number of symptoms from patients on acid suppression therapy such as a PPI treatment[65–67].
The duration of PPI administration is not clearly defined, but we have determined that therapy sessions such as “step-down” or “step-up” for 4-8 weeks, which are similar to GERD treatment, followed by on demand PPI can be effectively applied. If there are recurrences despite a high dose of PPI, adding H2 receptor antagonists in the evening to the PPI in the morning can prevent the breakthrough of nocturnal acid secretion. Of course, future studies and more data are required to prove the efficacy of this strategy[68–71]. However, continuous and long-term use of both PPI and H2 blockers should be discouraged to avoid developing resistances, rebound acid reflux and adverse effects. Long-term use of PPI also raises the question if it could influence the development of the heterotopic mucosa of the intestinal metaplasia or atrophy. Interestingly, one study reported that lesions were reduced in size after a course of PPI 20 mg, twice daily[72].
Similar gastric histological changes (inflammation, metaplasia, atrophy dysplasia and even adenocarcinoma of the IP with H. pylori colonization) have been reported[9]. Although there are insufficient data to recommend testing and eradicating H. pylori infections among patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux[73], we suggest that the endoscopist should consider searching for cervical IPs. Then, a rapid urease test from the IP can be considered to determine the presence of H. pylori in patients with an unexplained persistent globus sensation or a dyspepsia despite the PPI treatment and without H. pylori-positive gastritis, or to decide to pursue further treatment in patients with persistent dyspepsia after previous gastric H. pylori eradication. In both the stomach and ectopic mucosa with H. pylori infections, eradication issues could also be taken into consideration such as different antibiotic susceptibilities and resistances.
In symptomatic patients with the typical aspects of IPs who are unresponsive to PPI, endoscopic therapy, such as argon plasma coagulation or radiofrequency ablation, have also been reported to be safe and effective[34,74]. However, in our opinion, the clinical management should be kept as noninvasive as possible so long as there are no unfavorable outcomes, complications or any suspicion of neoplasia. Endoscopic treatment is not only technically challenging due to the typical position of the IP in the proximal esophagus, but may also only be available in dedicated centers.
Strictures and webs can be managed by serial dilatation and biopsied to rule out malignancy[7,33]. A high-dose PPI paired with endoscopic thermal coagulation led to long-term amelioration of dysphagia in one case of IP with stricture and even to the recovery of the mucosa with normal squamous epithelium[75]. Endoscopic mucosectomy (EMR), argon plasma coagulation (APC) or surgical resection has also been used to successfully treat IP dysplasia or incipient neoplasia[7,15,74,76,77], although the routine use of these strategies in this context has not been studied.
Other issues such as elevated surfaces[78] or the size of the IP should be taken into consideration before deciding which strategy is most appropriate. For instance, experts generally did not include patients with large IPs in the previously conducted interventional APC trials to exclude the possibility of stricture formation[18,79–81]. Furthermore, large areas of resected tissue and multiple lesions were independent predictors of stricture formation[82] (Figure 5).
In contrast, Kristo et al[78] recently reported an 80% rate of complete macroscopic and histologic eradication after 2 sessions of radiofrequency ablation with improvements in globus sensation and quality of life without any major adverse events or stricture formation after an approximate 2-year follow-up. The involvement of the esophageal heterotopic mucosa in esophageal pathology may eventually become as popular as BE, which will promote novel technologies such as hybrid-APC that could improve the therapeutic intervention for selected cases of large IPs in the future[83,84]. Confocal laser endomicroscopy could enable in vivo examinations of histology for flat lesions in the cervical esophagus in order to avoid a number of unnecessary biopsies and to direct any further EMR or endoscopic submucosal dissections[85].
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P-Reviewer: Sandhu DS
S-Editor: Ma RY L-Editor: E-Editor:
Specialty type: Gastroenterology and hepatology
Country of origin: Romania
Peer-review report classification
Grade A (Excellent): 0
Grade B (Very good): 0
Grade C (Good): C
Grade D (Fair): 0
Grade E (Poor): 0
Figure 1 A discreet area of flat salmon pink mucosa with mucus on surface typically found in the proximal esophagus of a 45-year-old anxious woman with globus sensation.
Figure 2 Double mirror flat inlet patches in (A) white light endoscopy vs (B) optical chromoendoscopy (narrow band imaging), in a middle age woman with Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis and globus sensation ameliorated after the eradication therapy.
Figure 3 Concomitant findings of inlet patches in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, neurofibromatosis or blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome are likely to be incidental. A: Large inlet patch from 16 to 20 cm from the incisors in a young woman with globus sensation and concomitant celiac disease. The patient underwent an upper endoscopy because of persistent iron deficiency anemia. B: Nodular appearance of duodenal mucosa and C: flattened villi in the same patient.

Figure 4 Multiple small focal areas round in shape of gastric tissue, one of them slightly raised, noted in the right lateral field, 10 cm from the incisors, in a young man presenting for unexplained upper dysphagia.
Figure 5 large areas of resected tissue and multiple lesions were independent predictors of stricture formation. A: Three areas of cervical inlet patches, with kissing distribution, in a middle age women with uterine cancer history, presenting for reflux complaints and globus sensation. Detailed image in (B) white light endoscopy and (C) narrow band imaging. D: Irregular Z line in the same patient suggesting concomitant gastroesophageal reflux disease.